Jobs: MobileMe not up to standards [u]

Last evening Steve Jobs sent an email to Apple employees regarding the company's recent MobileMe misadventures and Ars Technica has the salient bits:

"not up to Apple's standards."

Apple should have rolled MobileMe's services out slowly instead of launching it "as a monolithic service."

"It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store."

"We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence."

Apple Online Store

Thereupon, whoever was in charge of MobileMe has been taken out and shot (just kidding), and Eddy Cue has been named vice president of funny walks (internet services), which includes the App Store, iTunes and, ta-da, MobileMe.

Lastly, Jobs finished his email missive with a friendly admonition:

"The MobileMe launch clearly demonstrates that we have more to learn about Internet services. And learn we will. The vision of MobileMe is both exciting and ambitious, and we will press on to make it a service we are all proud of by the end of this year."

I think that's as close to a mea culpa as we'll ever get from Mr Jobs.

Now back to our regular programming...

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