The iPhone's huge

Quoting Canalys research data and commentary, PCWorld reports that Apple is the No 3 smart phone vendor in the world with 6.5 percent of the market. In the US, Apple snagged 28 percent of the market.

"When you consider that it launched part way through the year, with limited operator and country coverage, and essentially just one product, Apple has shown very clearly that it can make a difference and has sent a wake-up call to the market leaders," said Pete Cunningham, senior analyst, Canalys.

It's widely believed that more than 1-million iPhones have been unlocked and are in use on "unauthorized" networks worldwide.

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Also, although about 12 percent of iPhone users surveyed reportedly returned to the device over ease-of-use, more than one-in-five "other" smart phone users returned the devices because they're just too hard to use.

Nokia and RIM are No 1 and No 2, respectively. Apple displaced Motorola, which has said it's mulling a move to exit the handset market, to take the third spot.

Earlier today, Apple upgraded the iPhone and iPod touch, doubling the memory of the high-end models.

Editor's note: Yes, things are going well for Apple despite recent questions and naysaying. Six months since launch and still no effective competitors...

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