'Apple tablet is real'

Quoting sources at Asus, a major Taiwanese OEM, CNet Crave (UK) claims that Apple is indeed readying a tablet computer.

Here's the nut of their write up:

A few weeks ago we were having a civilised dinner with our friends at Asus and angling for cool stories when we were told in a very hushed manner: "Asus is helping Apple build a Tablet PC."

Crave's sources say Apple's tablet will be an original design, not a variant of an existing Asus product. Other than that, it's "believed" that the product will be Intel Core (solo)-based and run a paired-down version of Leopard.

Previously, IGM reported that Apple's tablet will launch in Q1 '08 and include a 10 or 11 inch screen, as well as a full keyboard.

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