NetShare banned from AppStore

Null River has announced that their iPhone tethering application, NetShare, won't be returning to the AppStore.

Looks like Apple has decided they will not be allowing any tethering applications in the AppStore. As such, NetShare will not be available in the iTunes AppStore. We are seeing a lot of similar reports from various developers who's applications were abruptly removed and banned from the AppStore without any violations of the terms of service. This is all unfortunate news for the iPhone platform end-users.

Back on Aug 29, Gizmodo published a reader email to Steve Jobs, berating AT&T's the lack of an iPhone tethering plan, and what is purported to be the Dear Leader's reply saying Apple was "discussing" the issue with the carrier.

Apparently, whatever the outcome of the Apple + AT&T tethering tet-a-tet, Null River and NetShare won't be part of the picture.

Thereupon, I'll renew my call to Null River to open source their iPhone tethering application. Perhaps the iPhone Dev Team crowd can breath some life into it...

What's your take?

via Daring Fireball

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