.Mac: iPhone syncing on the way?

The lads at iPhoneAlley, whether directly or vicariously, have been poking around inside the iPhone 2.0 firmware and iPhone SDK, and found evidence that .Mac syncing may be part of the final release.

A preference bundle found within the latest SDK seed contains the string "Syncing with this Dot Mac account will turn off syncing for other Dot Mac accounts and delete any existing synced data." The preference bundle is new with this latest seed and isn't present in any other version of the iPhone's software.

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Whilst crawling around on their hands and knees inside the iPhone 2.0 firmware and SDK they've also come across a YouTube for Mobile Safari plugin, which relies on a new decoder-- H264M2.videodecoder. Naturally, improved vid support will help cement the iPhone's status as the No 1 mobile viewing platform.

Editor's note: There's never any shortage of people willing to dis' .Mac and its perceived high price, lack of features, etc. However, there are a lot people, myself included, that rely on it every day.

Rather than an over-the-top, world-changing feature, .Mac syncing for the iPhone is a natural progression of Apple's "it just works" mantra.

Call me a fan boy, but that sounds like a lot more interesting way to PWN a Mac...

What's your take?

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