99¢ Movie: 'Changing Lanes'

Last week's 99¢ movie, The Ghost & the Darkness, was a beast-filled, testosterone-pumped thriller.

Though shoehorned into the same genre, "thriller," this week's low-cost iTunes Store flick couldn't be more different:

Ben Affleck and Samual L Jackson star, respectively, as Gavin Banek and Doyle Gibson, two New York men whose lives become accidentally intertwined in a Good Friday fender bender on the FDR Drive. Late for a crucial appointment, hotshot lawyer Gavin tosses Doyle a black check and leaves the scene, while Doyle, whose car is inoperable, is late for a court-appointed custody hearing...

Get Changing Lanes, the iTunes 99¢ movie of the week.

Apple iTunes

Also, the iTunes Store is also offering a selection of 21 music videos for 99¢ each--check 'em out here.

And, as always, don't forget to get this week's free iTunes Store downloads--Single of the Week, Discovery Download, Canción de la Semana and TV program.

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