Apple publishes Air battery policy

Apple has published the terms and conditions for MacBook Air battery replacement. This information is of special importance because the battery in "the world's thinnest notebook" cannot be removed / changed by the user.

The bottom for US buyers is that it will cost $130 and take five days.

Here's a listing of the cost by regions around the world.

Region Cost
United States $129
Canada CA$159
Europe £139 incl. VAT
Japan ¥15,800
Asia Pacific AU$199 incl. taxes

It's also worthy of note that Apple will bill for replacement of a battery exhibits a reduced ability to hold a charge due to normal use.

Editor's note: I think Apple should cut the price not just for Air battery replacement, but also for other products. After all, it was Apple that took the decision to choose to reduced manufacturing costs and style over user convenience and cheap replacements...

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