China iPhone deal signed?

Quoting a Chinese wireless carrier exec, ChinaTechNews claims that plans for releasing the iPhone in China have been put to paper and signed.

Chen Jingsheng, vice president of D.Phone, a handset retail chain, has said that his company has signed a strategic agreement with Apple for the iPhone. Moreover, he says the device will go on sale in time for the Chinese New Year (early Feb) holidays.

Some other analysts quoted by local media say they believe the spreading of the news that Apple has signed with D.Phone for the iPhone might be a strategy that Apple has taken to force China Mobile to make a concession in their negotiations.

Apple Store

This report comes a little more than a week since it was rumored that talks between Apple and China Mobile broke down over revenue sharing.

Editor's note: Apple loves them. Apple loves them not. It's not real until His Steveness says it's so...

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