iTunes: No 3 with a bullet

Quoting an NPD survey, Reuters reports that the iTunes Store is now the third-largest music retailer in the US with 10 percent market share, overtaking in Q1.

The NPD Group report highlights the growing strength of digital music in the US market as physical sales of compact discs continue to slide.
iTunes is third behind market leader Wal-Mart with a 15.8 percent share, and Best Buy with a 13.8 percent share, both of which primarily sell CDs.

Macs flying off shelves

In related news, InformationWeek reports that the Mac's share of the desktop and portable retail sales continues to soar. Again, quoting NPD data, it's said that Apple's share of desktop and notebook sales online and through brick-and-mortar stores rose to 13 percent from 11.6 percent in April. The company's notebook sales rose to 14.3 percent of overall purchases from 12.5 percent, while desktop sales inched up to 10.4 percent from 10.2 percent.

Editor's note: The truly interesting thing about Apple's growth is that the company apparently has suffered any product shortages--an astounding feat given their spotty track record in the not-so-distant past.

However, one wonders if the growth will continue if the iPhone isn't successful...

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