Apple enters server Top 10

Quoting IDC data, DigiTimes reports that Apple is the 10th largest server vendor worldwide. The company, which introduced the Xserve product line in 2002, is said to have sold 8,700 units in the first calendar quarter of this year.

This unit volume represents a growth rate for Apple of 78 percent over the same period (one assumes) last year.

The mothership replaced its popular G5 version of the back-office iron with Intel Xeon-based Xserves last August, but didn't ship them until this year, according to the report.

Editor's note: Gone are the days of Big Mac glory. It's somewhat sad that Apple didn't do more to maintain its position in the cluster market that the original G5 and then Xserve helped it gain...

What's your take?

Get the dual Dual-Core Xeon XServe, from $2,999.