Apple's PowerBook and iBook Group Wants Your Feedback

Apple's Portables Development team are wanting to know how you're doing with your PowerBook or iBook.

The Portables team want to hear from both users and developers. What do you think of the current PowerBook and iBook range? What do you think of product features? What other features could be added, especially functionality that exists on PC portables that you'd like to see on future PowerBooks and iBooks?

The Portables team have three categories they want to address: hardware software and Mac OS.

If you're a seasoned PiBook veteran or, heck, you're just a guy or gal in a suit who has an opinion, the friendly Portables team need YOU.

Don't just leave us your feedback (but do that too). Mail Apple here:
PowerBook marketing feedback.

Note the disclaimer though, if you're possessive about your intellectual property:
"(Note: Your comments will become the sole property of Apple
Computer and may be used by Apple or given to others without
compensation to you.)"

Analysis: This is obviously tied in with the Switch campaign (and they say so). Let's start the ball rolling here and now. How about:

- switchable, light-up keyboard
- detachable display
- dual battery option
- built-in BlueTooth
- upgradeable graphics cards
- Page up/down/home/end keys
- Two button clicker
- Anyone want IrDA back?