Camino 1.0a1 hits the streets is offering Camino 1.0a1 (Alpha 1) for download and evaluation. Those with the appropriate measure of intestinal fortitude can expect to enjoy:

Drawing speed on pages with multiple animations is much improved, as is typing speed on many pages
Camino now has certificate management capabilities
Camino now saves the list of downloads between sessions
Downloads can be paused and resumed
Ad-blocking is much improved, no longer requires a restart, and does not interfere with userContent.css
Camino now has a preference to limit image animations

Full details on what's different are available in the change log, or you can just skip to the chase and try Camino 1.0a1 for yourself. Download it here.

In related news, Mozilla is delivering release candidate builds of Firefox 1.0.7 and Mozilla 1.7.12