Apple Legal Quashes Shuffle Clone - Almost

Apple lawyers have pushed LuxPro to remove its 'SuperShuffle' from their CeBit stand. Initially, the company complied at the end of the week, but on Saturday evening, the MP3 player returned to the stand, Heise reports.

The Super Shuffle is reportedly visually almost identical to the iPod Shuffle, and indistinguishable at a short distance. The article also says that the stand employed by LuxPro is strongly reminiscent in its style of an Apple ad campaign.

An Apple product manager even tried to persuage LuxPro's booth manager to remove the Super Shuffle, but was unsuccessful.

Apple legal are reportedly "weighing legal options", according to an Apple press spokesperson.

Analysis: Scarcely surprising a knock-off would come this quickly, but the brazenness of it is reminiscent of iMac knock-offs in the 1990s. Apple Legal put a stop to that one too.