Firefox passes 10m downloads reports that over 10,000,000 copies of Firefox have been downloaded since Nov 9. Compact (8.6MB download, 25.2MB installed), fast, compatible and vastly more secure than Internet Explorer, this open-source web browser from The Mozilla Foundation has won rapid acceptance from users the world over.

However, it's worth noting that Firefox is merely one part of an open-source assault on the monolithic offerings pigopolist Microsoft. Recently, IGM noted the arrival of Camino 0.8.2 and a development roadmap for the X-only browser, as well as the release of Thunderbird 1.0, a stand-alone email client. Though targeted largely at PC users, Linspire's $30 OOoFf bundle of OpenOffice and Firefox is also available.

Editor's note: Is this the pinnacle of what open source has to offer or is the best yet to come?