New G5s spotted? reports that an Apple service manual published last month contains pictures of what likely are new PowerMac G5 internals. Here's a quote from their report:

"The photos, which appear to show a heat sink covering dual G5 processors as well as a new memory configuration, were included in a manual that was sent out last month."

The article also makes note, as IGM did yesterday, of a change in the shipping status of current models from "in stock" to a seven to 10 day wait.

Editor's note: Why one month ago? I'll bet some tech writer way down the food chain put out his doc just like the schedule he had in hand said he should. That is, a schedule published before the full extent of IBM's Fishkill yield woes became apparent.

I have 15 people that work for me directly and another 10 or so overseas that feed into and/or distribute work. I can't imagine the difficulties of controlling a workflow involving hundreds or thousands people...

BTW, do any of you know of any chip maker hitting volume at 90nm? This process seems to be killing everyone.