Jobs to Glasser — Get real

AP (carried on Yahoo) reports that Apple über CEO Steve Jobs has turned down an offer from Rob Glasser, RealNetworks' CEO, to join forces against Microsoft in the music download market. Though apple declined comment when AP came knocking, they borrowed this quote from an earlier write up:

"The iPod already works with the No. 1 music service in the world, and the iTunes Music Store works with the No. 1 digital-music player in the world," Jobs reportedly told the New York Times earlier in the week. "The No. 2s are so far behind already. Why would we want to work with No. 2?"

Why indeed...

Editor's note: Actually, I personally thought Glasser's offer was a good one. Microsoft needs to knocked and more importantly the world needs to see it done. Thereupon, perhaps more companies and individuals would feel compelled to take on "Goliath."

Moreover, as cool as iTunes, iTMS and the iPod are, it's just a matter of time until some offers a cheaper business model. Apple's costs are notoriously high (Forbes).

What's your take?