We've been analyzed... Ick!

Psychology Today has posted a "study" (an abused word if there ever was one) detailing the successes and failures of various brands. Naturally, the only two brands of interest to us (it's a long report with lots of telling details and historical background) are Apple and Microsoft.

Here's what they say (in part) about us:

"Apple Computer doesn't create new family members so much as brothers- and sisters-in-arms ... Apple presents itself as unique. It invites users to think of themselves as revolutionary."

Here's what Psychobabble Today says about them:

"Microsoft, for a larger than average number of people, forms a master-slave relationship."

As noted, the report is fairly lengthy but a very interesting read, especially as relates to erstwhile advertising-genius David Ogilvy.

Editor's note: So, my brothers and sisters in arms, do they have us pegged. Or, are you too individual, too different to identify yourself as one of the rest of us?

Needless to say we already knew the know-nothing Pee Cee people were born dead, so no revelations there, right?

What's your take?