pTunes: Networked mp3 sharing on steroids

Mscape Software is the company behind Iconographer and the brains behind the lot is Mihai Parparita.

However, Mr Parpita has recently gotten up to a bit more: He has created an Internet-based system, pTunes, that tracks and organizes mp3 files across a network. This "service" features an iTune-like interface and allows the playing and sharing of mp3s across AppleTalk, Windoze and SMB file shares.

pTunes is exclusive to Princeton University, where Parpita is apparently a student, but outsiders (namely you) can essentially test-drive the service and its functions though downloading and playing songs are currently not enabled for those located off the school's network.

Editor's note: I think pTunes is a stunning development and could (if unleashed on the world) reshape file sharing and the internet as a whole.