Kevin Mitnick: 'I want a PowerBook' (updated) reports that Kevin Mitnick -- notorious hacker, convicted felon and ex-con -- was granted his Internet walking papers yesterday with the conclusion of his three-and-one-half year "supervised release" following a nearly five-year stint in federal prison. In addition to regaining his "web legs," he also hopes to land a position at a network-security firm. In fact, he interviewed with an unnamed company on Monday for just such a gig.

Now 39-years old, Mitnick has published a book and even has his own radio. Further to his goal of lining his pockets via his ill-gotten notoriety, he's attempting to sell the notebooks and one of the cellphones he used in his climb up the FBI's most-wanted list.

"Kevin Mitnick, you've just won the right federal penal system release lottery, so what are you going to do now?"

Well, according to, he hopes to purchase a new 17-inch PowerBook. As readers report, Kevin didn't have to wait long, as Steve Wozniak gave him a 1GHz PowerBook G4 Tuesday night during TechTV's Screen Savers. [update]

Editor's note: This is an endorsement worth its weight in gold. I wonder if either Mitnick or Apple would consider making a "switch" ad? It's just too sweet an opportunity to pass up... "I used to use Windoze and look what it got me! I've learned my lesson and that 17-inch screen is worth doing time for."