CBS looks to offer HTML5 video alternative to Flash

MacRumors tracked down some testing happening at CBS's website. CBS has ample broadcasts and bonus videos from its shows, all living inside Flash players. Spotters noticed recently iPad test links on video pages, which definately suggests the network is working on accommodating the iPad. When viewing the pages using the iPad Simulator or spoofing the browser type for an iPad, the video page turns to an HTML5 player, reports MacRumors. Things don't seem to be functioning quite yet, but it is strong evidence that CBS is working on Flash alternatives specifically for the iPad.

The Web video wars have been simmering for a while trying to spec out HTML5. Originally the goal was to create a standard video codec, either h.264 or Ogg. Ogg has support of Mozilla as an free open standard, h.264 by Apple and Google as a mature standard with strong intellectual property documentation, not to mention significant investments in the technology. That battle was mostly contained to the developer and specification community. When Apple announced the iPad, content creators suddenly became interested in HTML5 as an alternative to Flash video playback, as obviously the iPad will not support Flash.

This is encouraging news beyond the iPhone OS. Flash as a video player simply needs to fade to black. Despite the wrangling over the HTML5 codec, it is very likely the future video vehicle for the Web. It's something worth cheering for, even if you're not running an iPhone OS device. Prepping HTML5 Video Playback for iPad