Microsoft Office a habit, not a necessity

When Apple shipped iWork '08 back in the Fall of 2007, two things grabbed me: 1.) Here for the first time in a decade or more is a Mac spreadsheet application that acts and looks like a Mac application, and 2.) I could finally get a full featured office suite for about half the price of Microsoft Office.

A PCWorld write up that quotes a fresh Forrester analysis piece on the subject of MS Office and how pointlessly entrenched it has become reminded me of the lesson iWork '08:

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MacBook Air - The Thinnest Notebook

"Because Word has become so entrenched in the enterprise in the last 25 years, organizations cannot easily move off of it," said Sheri McLeish in her report, Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: The Microsoft Word Love Story. "But what people are finding is they are questioning that investment. It is relatively high next to some other options on the market."

Yes, you could go for one of those online office suites or even one of the many OpenOffice variants. Still, for pure Mac GUI goodness, not to mention Mac only features, there's really no substitute for iWork.

That said, do you need to buy iWork '09 or is last year's version good enough? Further, whichever version you choose get, don't pay full retail...

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