iPhone nano 'confirmed'

iDealsChina (via Mac Rumors) reports that they have seen the future and that it's an iPhone, specifically an iPhone nano.

No more speculating, the new iPhone is a Nano Phone ! We just got these images of a silicone case design by www.XSKN.com for the new Nano iPhone. This case is in production. We are not sure when they will release it on their site.

As you can tell from the image after the break, the lines of the iPhone nano are roughly the same as its full-size cousin. Unfortunately, the available photos and reports coming out of China don't provide any additional information, like storage capacity or pricing.

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Source: iDealsChina

So, is this the real deal? Well, leaks like this in the past have been both spot and utter fabrications. Further, this is the first reference to iDealsChina as a credible source, though it must be said that Arn has famously sniffed bogus claims (ie the Steve Jobs heart attack story)...

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