Say, "Cheese"

New York Times reports on the down-state, White Plains, NY misadventures of Edmon Shahikian, 23, and Ian Frias, 20, who stole a bunch of valuable stuff, including a Mac portable with Back to My Mac set up.

"When you take a picture with that computer, it shows a countdown, and when it does, this guy figures out what's going on," said Daniel Jackson, deputy commissioner, public safety, White Plains. "It all clicks for him, and he puts his hand up to cover the lens, but it was too late."

The dopey thief caught on camera was Ian Frias. He stole the Mac from Kait Duplaga, an Apple Store employee, while attending a party at her house.

.Mac (Apple Computer, Inc.)

Source: NYT

"It doesn't get much better than their bringing us a picture of the guy actually using the stolen property," said Jackson. "It certainly made our job easier. The fact that they knew who these guys were certainly added solvability."

After Kait learned her Mac was being used online, she fired up Back to My Mac, popped the pic, figured out who Tweedle Dum was and then gave the pic to police. Tweedle dee was subsequently arrested, as well.

An open and shut case.

Editor's note: .Mac? $69 when you buy a new Mac. Snapping Ian's pic? Priceless...

.Mac, Internet Essentials from Apple