Apple rejects app, dev throws fit

MacUser UK brings us news of Angelo DiNardi and MailWrangler, a GMail client for the iPhone. Apple has rejected the application because it "duplicates the functionality of the built-in iPhone application Mail without providing sufficient differentiation or added functionality" and "There is also no way to edit an account once it has been added..."

DiNardi adds that it took Apple over a month to issue the rejection.

Although he's got some genuine complaints, much of what follows on his blog doesn't help anyone and he should probably issue an apology to his fellow developers:

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The number of shitty apps in the store is off the charts and yet mine that actually works is getting blocked.

I guess I should just write another flashlight or glowstick application to actually get published. That's the only apps Apple seems to want in the store.

Those things said, the first response to DiNardi's rant in the comments section of his blog puts the issue in proper perspective:

Have you conversed with Apple regarding the rejection? I have had success with a rejected app and rejected version of an app by responding with a good email addressing their issues. This is definitely a nice app and has more right to be in the store than many that are in.

Now Playing is an example of a rejected app that was able to return after changes were made. Moreover, despite some initial confusion, the developer of that program went from rejection to being available on the AppStore in about a week.

There's no question DiNardi has room for complaint and that Apple needs to make changes to its AppStore application vetting process (publish the complete rules, enforce them evenly and provide a clear cut appeal process).

Still, it's just as clear that hyperbolic, fire hose reactions from developers are really counter productive. Shame on you, Angelo...

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