Want security? Serve it on a Mac

Zone-H is reporting server attacks for 2005 through 2007. They offer interesting break downs, like total attacks, attacks by month, attacks by type and, of special interest to platform bigots, such as myself, attacks by operating system.

With Linux taking over the server market, it comes as little surprise that it's also the most-popular target of attack. And, given Windows' dwindling presence, the number of attacks on that platform is on the relative decline.

What of the Mac OS? The number of attacks is low and declining.

macbook pro,apple macbook pro,macbook pro core 2

Source: Zone-H

And, here's where it gets truly interesting. Assuming that the Mac's server market share is growing--the most-recent data on Apple sales I could find (Q2 of last year) had unit volume up 78 percent--then the above figures indicate that attacks are declining absolutely even as the number of servers increases proportionately and absolutely.

That's a very, very sweet position to be in...

What's your take?

Props to Slashdot

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