OS X usage continues climb

Back in December IGM reported that OS X usage had passed 4 percent and here in March were back to report that another milestone has been reached--more people are using the Mac (online) than Windows 98. Or, at least, that's how HitsLink tells the story:

Mac OS market share in February was 4.28 percent, while Win98 dipped to 3.89 percent. Apple market share first broke 4 percent for the month of December 2005, and has hovered around 4.25 percent since.

Also, HitsLink sister site SurveyWare is offering partisans the opportunity to voice their support for their favorite browser. Currently, Apple's Safari, at about 12 percent, is in third place behind Firefox and Internet Explorer, respectively.

Editor's note: So, does the Mac OS still have legs to add more share or is the Mactel transition taking its toll?

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