iFixIt Praises new Mac Pro as a masterclass in repairability

iFixIt has evaluated Apple's new Mac Pro and gave it high marks for user upgrades and repair. The site described the new tower workstation as a "Fixmas miracle," describing it as well put together and a masterclass in repairability. The highlights are modular design and either common tool figures or entirely toolless. The downside is there are proprietary parts that while accessible, may not be easily acquired outside of Apple service channels.

The opening procedure couldn’t be easier.
+ Basic repairs and upgrades can be performed with standard tools or even no tools at all.
+ Major components are highly modular and use industry-standard sockets and interfaces, making replacements and upgrades a snap.
+ Apple provides some step numbers and diagrams right on the device, and publishes free repair manuals for some repairs to help you get it right.
- The SSDs cards are modular, but custom-made by Apple, complicating replacement.
- If you need a replacement part that’s not on Apple’s limited list of approved repairs, you’ll likely pay a dizzying priceâ€"if you can find them at all.